
活動簡介: 本課程由教育部產業創新提升人才培育計畫--高階應用處理器聯盟中心所舉辦,今年藉著國際研討會Micro-49在台灣舉辦的難得機會,爭取與之合辦活動;報名課程的同學,除了10/15晚間的必修課程[Roofline Analysis and Balance],還可以選修Micro-49於10/15、10/16日間課程;報名費用僅需1,000元。



課程報名費用: NTD1,000元

參加對象: 老師、學生

餐點: 附10/15(六)午餐、10/15(六)晚餐、10/16(日)午餐



日期/時間: 2016/10/15(六)18:30-21:30

地點: 台北福華大飯店CR403會議室


In this short course we give an introduction to two lines of research in performance modelling that study the interaction between numerical code and the processor’s microarchitecture. Roofline analysis aims to identify hardware bottlenecks for a given program. We introduce the original concept by Williams et al., show measurements, and present recent extensions. The notion of balance identifies a situation in which a processor is well-matched to a given program. We introduce the original concept and application by Kung and present recent extensions.



Prof. Markus Püschel
Department Head of Computer Science
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Markus Püschel is a Professor and was, until recently, Department Head of Computer Science at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Before, he was a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, where he still has an adjunct status. He received his Diploma (M.Sc.) in Mathematics and his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Computer Science, in 1995 and 1998, respectively, both from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. His research over the years has spanned many areas. As one example, he had a leading role in developing the Spiral approach and system (www.spiral.net) to automate the production of high performance code. Further, together with José Moura and other collaborators he developed a new approach to the foundation of signal processing, called algebraic signal processing (http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~smart/research.html).


His current research interests include program generation for performance, IP cores for FPGAs, applied machine learning, performance modeling, signal processing theory.


For more information please visit http://people.inf.ethz.ch/markusp/




日期/時間: 2016/10/15-10/16


選課方式: 報名時勾選課程項目,每日上午、下午時段皆須選課

選修課程簡介: 詳細介紹請至Micro-49官網點選議程內的超連結http://www.microarch.org/micro49/program.php#workshop


會場交通資訊: http://taipei.howard-hotels.com.tw/CT_Taipei1.php?Psn=148









活動聯絡人:張怡婷小姐,E-mail: eve7620876@gmail.com,Tel: 03-5712121*31549


台北福華飯店 / 臺北市仁愛路三段160號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

~ 2016/10/16 21:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料